Day 3 Photos


Dennis L. Sheffield said...
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Dennis L. Sheffield said...

Wow, what a great time we all had. Meeting new family members and seeing those we haven't seen in quite sometime. This was so beautiful, the whole weekend. I must add a big, bid thanks to George for creating both our blog and website. come on family members let's post our comments and remarks about our weekend in DC

Dennis L. Sheffield said...

Wow, what a great time we all had. Meeting new family members and seeing those we haven't seen in quite sometime. This was so beautiful, the whole weekend. I must add a big, bid thanks to George for creating both our blog and website. come on family members let's post our comments and remarks about our weekend in DC

Mary said...

This blog is so beautifully done!! It encompasses the entire weekend and shows just how much fun we had together as a family! What an outstanding job, George! Thank you!And thanks to all of the participants of the Howard Family Reunion 2012! You guys made it a beautiful occassion and one to remember for years!!!